'Longitude' by Dava Sobel, ISBN: 0140258795. This book was great. It was bythe same authoras 'The Planets' and Galileo's Daughter'. Sobel charts the history of longitude / navigation and the problems associated with finding it at sea with no reference points. England eventually offered a prize to anyone that could solve the problem because the navy was losing so many ships due to errors in navigation and timekeeping with respect to the prime meridian in England. It's also a great story of the politics in the science community a hundred years ago (some things never change). Excellent book, fun to read.
Books Are Dumb. Reviews are dumberer.
I love reading even though I don't seem to have time to do enough of it. Most of what I read is non fiction and can stray towards art books. Generally I just go into one of the many libraries here in San Diego , CA and see what's on the 'New Books' shelf and go from there. If I liked a book I'll tell you why, if I thought it sucked ass, I'll maybe go into why.
February 19, 2006
'Longitude' by Dava Sobel, ISBN: 0140258795. This book was great. It was bythe same authoras 'The Planets' and Galileo's Daughter'. Sobel charts the history of longitude / navigation and the problems associated with finding it at sea with no reference points. England eventually offered a prize to anyone that could solve the problem because the navy was losing so many ships due to errors in navigation and timekeeping with respect to the prime meridian in England. It's also a great story of the politics in the science community a hundred years ago (some things never change). Excellent book, fun to read.
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